Torstein is an actor turned director from Tromsø, a city perched at the northern edge of Arctic Norway. Seeking slightly warmer temperatures Torstein embarked on his artistic journey, relocating to Oslo where he trained at the renowned State Theatre School. After several years working as an actor, he discovered his true passion lay behind the camera. Since this epiphany, Torstein has directed numerous commercials for major brands across Scandinavia.

In addition to his commercial work, Torstein is an accomplished director of fiction. His debut TV series, the HBO hit comedy “Basic Bitch” set a new Norwegian subscription record when it first aired and was nominated for the prestigious Gullruten Award (The Norwegian TV Award) in 2021. The show went on to win in 2022. His latest TV series, “Fling” (TV2), also received a Gullruten nomination last year.

Torstein’s creative style blends quirky humor with precise straightforward storytelling and a feel-good sensibility. Benefiting from his acting background, he stands out as an actor’s director, skillfully guiding both newcomers and experienced professionals.

Torstein’s work continues to reflect his distinctive approach making him a valuable asset to our roster.